AREC -- Emergency Measures Radio Group/Ottawa ARES mailing list


Welcome to the EMRG Amateur Radio Emergency Communications list server web page. The list server address is:

The intent of this site is to provide a common location for the sharing of ideas and information related to providing volunteer emergency radio communications.

The list server provides a means to ask questions and for people to respond with the solutions they have found to work or ideas that may be useful. For items that provide a lot of feedback or require a permanent location, the information will be collected and posted on the EMRG Web Site.

The list is not moderated, so if you send a message to, everyone who is subscribed to the list server will receive it. This site is meant to be useful, so there is an expectation on all users to apply common sense. If you need a part for your emergency repeater, or you have something to share for a moderate donation, please feel free to send a note. However this is not a swap shop, so please don't send a note to say you are selling your HF rig or other equipment.

Visitors are welcome. If you are not involved in volunteer emergency radio communications but want to follow along, please feel free to join. If you have an opinion on CW, licensing or other similar amateur issues, please keep your thoughts to yourself.

All messages sent to the list server can viewed at any time in the list server's archive.

If you have comments or suggestions about this site, please contact us.

How To Subscribe

To join the list server, prepare an e-mail as shown below;

  1. Select the plain-text option before sending the message.
  2. Enter the following address in the TO field:
  3. Leave the subject field blank
  4. In the message area, type:
        subscribe arec your-email-address

    For Example:
        subscribe arec

How To Unsubscribe

To remove yourself from the list server, prepare an e-mail as shown below;

  1. Select the plain-text option before sending the message
  2. Enter the following address in the TO field:
  3. Leave the subject field blank
  4. In the message area, type:
        unsubscribe arec your-email-address

    For Example:
        unsubscribe arec

How To Send A Message

To send an e-mail to the list server, use the address in the TO field and fill in the e-mail like you would do normally. Please put your first name and call sign at the end of your e-mail.